Why LOVE is my January word: Years ago, I realized that a New Year’s Resolution was useless, so I started coming up with a motto or a word for the year. Although I like the inspiration from a word, I also find that sometimes this gets a little stale as the year goes on. This year I wanted to do something different and have a message or affirmation of the month. This way, I can compound each word over the year and accumulate a new mindset around each one that will extend to all areas of my life.
My January (now I find ironic of my pick) was around love. Each morning, noon, and night I speak this affirmation. “I will greet each day with love in my heart.”
Each day as I reflect, I further expand on the affirmation and its understanding. Speaking this message daily will cement the message in my mind and heart. Despite the apparent reasons of love, only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of all people. To look at all things with love can solve many problems. I will look at each person, each situation, each encounter, each thought, each action, and reaction with love. When obstacles arise, I will remember to welcome and approach the problem with openness and love, when victories occur, graciously accepting them with love.
When speaking. I will speak to all through encouragement, praise, and warmth, enemies alike. Resisting the urge to criticize, gossip, or judge, instead, I will hold my tongue or dig for reasons to connect and applaud.
When acting. When presented with hate and suspicion, I will break the bridges and barriers with an open heart so love may surround another’s soul.
No matter if someone is young, old, rich, poor, beautiful, or not, I will love their ambition, faith, character, wisdom, and differences.
When reacting. Love is my weapon to open the hearts of others. Love is my shield to deflect hate and spears of anger.
Each person has a perspective and experience to cause them to be where they are in their moment; I will embrace their path and position, even if I have to remain silent. My heart will remain open in love and will shine through my eyes, face, and spirit.
Mainly, I will be aware of my attitude and responses to others and myself with love. I will love myself, cherishing my flaws, and embracing my strengths, striving for equal moderation. I will guard my mind against evil and negativity and reframe my thoughts and words with encouragement, knowledge, and wisdom. Yet, remain open to learning and growing to see opportunity as a requirement rather than a chore. I will feed my heart with meditation and prayer to help it guard against the temptation of complacency and righteousness.
As I choose to greet this day with love in my heart, I will choose only love, removing all hate, fear, and sorrow. Love will not allow me to be a victim as I will take ownership of my thoughts and actions while increasing the capacity in my heart.
If I grow no other quality in my life, love will conquer all, as, without it, I will fail myself and the world around me.
Imagine if each person we encounter could take one additional step towards kindness through love.
Until they come to their own decision…I will greet this day with love, and I will be responsible for my success.
(Inspired by Og Mandino’s “The Greatest Salesman”)
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