The Money Mastery Workshop

Permanently Free Yourself From Financial Insecurity & Start Attracting the Money, Abundance, Freedom, and Lifestyle You Desire (and DESERVE!)

get your workshop pass now!

If you're tired of money being the #1 stressor in your life but love the idea of becoming a money magnet and feeling in control of your financial on

Get Your Pass Here

Does fear constantly run through your mind about running out, or not having enough money?

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work, how much income you make, you still feel broke and in debt?

Do you feel shame and guilt around desiring more money, yet find that you're just not making enough? (even sometimes not able to make ends meet?)

Do you find yourself feeling controlled by money and never having enough time, despite having a high paying job (or at least making a decent income)?

Do you think that making more money means working harder and sacrificing more of yourself?

Do you ever feel that despite all your best intentions, your bank accounts, savings, and retirement funds still aren't enough and one major setback will wipe it all away?

Is your financial life either in a feast or famine pattern, or on a roller coaster ride that leads you stressed and exhausted?

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work, how great of a salary you make, you still feel controlled by money?


I know what it's like because I used to feel these ways.

It was awful and I felt very alone and as if something was wrong with me.

The money Mastery Workshop

Are you ready for all of this to change?

August 30th, 2022

9am PST/11am CST/12 pm EST





How To Go From Always Making Hot Money Mistakes, To Become A "Magic Money Attractor"

The Top 3 Money Stories That Limit Your Income and Ability To Accumulate Massive Wealth

How To Go From Feeling Like You're Running Out of Money, To Creating a 7 Figure + Bank Account

Why Making Money Is Easier Than You Think

Learn THE #1 Money Blocking Barrier, and How To Fix It To Attract A Flood of Money & Abundance Into Your Life

What You'll Learn In The Money Mastery Workshop:

(Using proven brain-based transformational solutions)

Learn How To Get Control Over Your Money Worries & Insecurities to Eliminate Fear Once And For All 

1 payment of ONLY $29

Lifetime access to recordings in membership portal

Personalized Mindset Assessment & Eliminating Limiting Beliefs NeuroCoaching Session

LIFETIME of Growth!

BONUS LIVE Coaching +Spotlight Day

The Money Mastery Workshop

reserve your workshop pass here

One Time Payment 

The Money mastery workshop starts august 30th 11am CST/12 EST

But this all changed for me when I learned how my brain was programmed to view money. 

And what we’ve been taught is all wrong. Including me. 

I grew up witnessing habits and beliefs concerning money that set me up to lose any money I had accumulated. 

At one point in my life, I had built a high 6 figure business, and then found myself broke and in debt. Later, I built a business well beyond the 7 figure mark…and because of my patterns and old beliefs, I once again found myself broke and with nothing to show for all the wealth I had worked so hard to build up. And it was all gone. 

As a former wealth manager and corporate accountant, I’ve witnessed thousands of people and businesses who are broke and yet they cannot figure out why. Very educated and talented people who accumulate wealth, and then lose it for reasons that they can’t understand. 

I was even struggling, despite intellectually knowing how to manage other people’s money. I felt like a fraud. Because deep down I was suffering and was losing my own money.  

The way people approach money is all wrong. 

So I did the only thing I knew, hustle, work 24/7, and maybe I could be a ‘rich’ person someday. 

But I didn’t understand how to have a healthy relationship with money. 

Actually, I didn’t understand how poor of a relationship I had with money, and found I didn't even understand who I was in the process.

Ten years ago, I found myself, broke, burned out, broken & exhausted.

Hi, my name is Heather J. Crider.

I am a High-Performance Specialist, a NeuroCoach and certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator, as well as the host of The Go Reflect Yourself Podcast. 

My relationship with money was a rocky one for years. I grew up with very little money, eating lots of potted meat and ramen noodles. I have lived paycheck to paycheck. I’ve been strapped with mountains of debts and bad investment decisions.

I have been on the edge of bankruptcy. I used to have a car that people would think was on fire because it leaked oil and smoked so badly! 

I used to cringe every time my children would want or need something, because I was fearful I could not afford it. 

I grew up thinking that people who had a lot of money were crooks or bad people in some way. But despite seeing ‘rich’ people as bad, I still wanted to be one. 

but nowI know how to help!

i can help because i've been there

I had to learn what having money really means, and the real purpose behind money.

Once I did, my ENTIRE LIFE shifted.

I then began to attract the ideal situations in my life that were completely in alignment with who I was and what I wanted, then money began flowing to me.

In abundance. With Ease. 

How I thought about money. How I approached money, was all wrong. How I viewed WEALTH was all wrong. 

I had to understand how my thinking and programming had affected my relationship with money. I grew up thinking if I got a good education, worked hard, sacrificed all my time and energy, money would just show up, or I would at least make a great income. This plan worked for me, but only for a small amount of time and put me on a stress and struggle loop.  

I found myself burned out, exhausted and then broke, all because I didn’t realize nor understand my beliefs, habits, and patterns around money were actually sabotaging my success, and adding to my struggle. 

You change your mindset

you change your patterns & behaviors

Once You Change Your Money RELATIONSHIP

you change your LIFE

but nowI know how to help!

And what I have found is MONEY is the #1 Stressor in most people's life, regardless of their income level, position or background. 

Over the past 13 years, I've dedicated my life to learning as much about the brain as I can through the latest neuroscience research, emotional intelligence, awareness, high performance and stress reduction discoveries. 

and now I want to help you!

One thing I’ve witnessed over the many years I’ve been coaching business owners and high performing professional is that there are a significant number of people with great paying jobs, careers and business that just can’t seem to keep or save money.  

There are plenty of good responsible people who follow a budget, but can't seem to pay down debt past a certain point or grow savings beyond a certain point.

People with very large incomes still worry about money night and day feeling controlled by their financial situation. Even plenty of people who feel they aren’t making the kind of income they would like, or deserve to and can’t figure out why. 

Why? Why are so many intelligent successful people STILL struggling and stressed about money?  

Because making money is NOT about concentrating on the numbers.

and now I want to help you!

What I am here to teach you will change your entire life!

And now I know wasn’t alone, because I’ve witness hundreds of my own clients go through these struggles, every single day.

And with some shifts of thinking and subconscious reprogramming, you can shift from struggle to abundant success. 

If you need anything right now, you NEED to hear what is being said in this workshop.

Get registered because you’re going to hear things you have never heard before that will change how you approach and attract money…which will change your entire life, finally ending the stress loop and creating a rich and abundant life.

These are the discoveries I’ve learned and want to share with you so you can revolutionize your life!

Money is about energy.


“Honestly, one session with Heather has shifted my WHOLE DANG LIFE. I have a new relationship with money, feel tons more energetic and have become so much more productive...oh, and money has just been flowing into my life!”

- Jen

You'll learn the three principles backed by brain science that will help you shift from "I feel broke", to I am a "money making machine"

Evidenced-Backed Brain Science To Attract Wealth

You'll learn that money is easy to make (and keep) once you know how to approach money and how to fix the money problems in your life. 

Making Money Is Easy

You'll understand how to set in motion the 2 essential rituals that are simple habits to attract a flow of abundance and wealth into your life. 

The 2 Essential Rituals To Do Each Day To Attract Abundance and Flow Into Your Life

You'll learn the root cause of what is holding you back is your money relationship and  'story'. You'll understand what this means and how to create a new one so you can have the RICH life you deserve. 

How to Create A New Money Relationship To Create a Rich Life

Here's What you will discover


Learn how to experience generating, receiving, making and KEEPING more money.

So you can:
Stop stressing, and starting living. 


Kick that imposter syndrome and self doubt in the rear so you feel confident and capable of making more income & money


Experience far less anxiety around money, which means less stress


Drop your fear and doubt about money


Unlock The Money Mastery Mindset; Releasing negative memories and negative money 'stories'

What you'll experience at the money mastery workshop...

How does this sound?

If you are tired of money being the #1 stressor in your life while also feeling you are being controlled by money,
you need to sign up now!




august 30th, 2022
9am PST/11am CST/12 pm EST


The money Mastery Workshop

August 30th, 2022

“If you're On the fence, let me just say this is the absolute best money you can ever spend.”

- Kathy

1 payment of ONLY $29

Lifetime access to recordings in membership portal

Personalized Mindset Assessment & Eliminating Limiting Beliefs NeuroCoaching Session

LIFETIME of Growth!

BONUS LIVE Coaching +Spotlight Day

The Money Mastery Workshop

reserve your workshop pass here

One Time Payment 

If you don't find the workshop valuable and worth your money, or time. Ask for a refund. No Qu's Asked. 

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money back guarantee


What if I am an entrepreneur?

We love business owners, entrepreneurs and business professionals.  The truth is, most people struggle with their relationship with money once they start earning a good amount of money. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I cannot attend live?

If you purchase the workshop pass, you will get the replay and have access for life.  You will also still get access to the bonus call and personalized assessment coaching call as well. 

When will the bonus spotlight and coaching session take place?

This is the fun part. A spotlight coaching session/encore will take place on April 22st 11am-12:30pm CST (encore). 

What if I'm thinking about switching my career?  Will this help me?

Absolutely.  Getting clear on your money priorities and having a better relationship with money will help you attract THE RIGHT job at a BETTER SALARY.  Once you understand how to have a better money relationship, making a higher salary is much easier for you as well. 

I cannot make the session live, can I just get a coaching session with Heather?

Yes and No! You will get access to the recordings and you will be able to receive the personalized assessment coaching call with Heather. Heather is not taking any new one on one client's right now, but could get you on a waiting list if a spot opens up.  The best thing to do is purchase a workshop pass and receive the assessment call.  This will help you learn how to work with Heather. 




august 30th, 2022
9am pST/11am CST/12pm EST



The Money mastery workshop starts august 30th