The Stress and Burnout Recovery Masterclass

How to IDENTIFY what is making you feel exhausted and stuck, and how to alleviate it.

The quickest way to get unstuck and have a rich life

The simplest way to worry less and do more!


Learn The 5 C's of Reflection to Reduce Stress, Master Your Mindset and Create The Richest Year of Your Life!


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THe stress and burnout

What You Will Discover at

How burnout & overwhelm are robbing you of your ability to make the biggest impact, and what you must do if you want to show up as your most energetic, focused self to make a difference with your legacy.

What are "micro-practices" and how you can effortlessly begin incorporating them into your daily routine to dramatically boost your focus, energy & productivity.…

The #1 reason high-performers suffer from exhaustion and how this one simple neuroscience tip can 10x your energy daily...

Three simple things you can do each day to feel more in control of your schedule and time while avoiding the pitfalls that usually cause overwhelm...

How listening to your body’s stress signals will help prevent burnout and could potentially increase the quality of your health and overall wellbeing...

How to be a better leader by showing up fully, as your best self...

The absolute worst thing you can do if you want to conquer past problems and habits—instead, learn three simple steps to overcome the bad habit “trap” and what to do if you find yourself falling back into your old ways...

Five tools that will double your performance and allow you to create more time in your life to enjoy the things you love and make an impact....

How evidence-based neuroscience can help you overcome burnout & permanently avoid experiencing it matter how “stressful” your life is...

Did you know, ⅔ of full-time workers admit to experiencing stress or burnout;

This masterclass will teach you the quickest way to avoid and overcome burnout, using the latest evidence-based neuroscience discoveries. 

A 6 or 7 figure high performer who always feels stressed out no matter how much you think you’re accomplishing in your business.

The leader of an organization who is constantly overwhelmed by the piles of increased projects and never feels like you are checking off enough items from your to-do list. 

The high-achiever who is feeling exhausted, always lacking energy and procrastinates despite needing to produce. 

The professional who feels anxiety and guilt around juggling work and family life. 

The person who is READY to show UP, kick stress to the curb and have the clarity to become who you're meant to be!

The stress and burnout recovery masterclass is for you if you are…

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masterclass starts November 16th

what others have to say...

Hi, my name is Heather J. Crider.

I am a High-Performance Specialist, a certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator and NeuroCoach, as well as the host of The Go Reflect Yourself Podcast. 

As a former corporate management employee and as a business owner for the past 17 years, I’m no stranger to working long hard hours with critical deadlines and demanding schedules. I’ve had to master the art of juggling life as a mom and an entrepreneur. 

Thirteen years ago after my second child was born, I went through several significant emotional events in my life, one being a divorce, which all left me feeling anxious and depressed. On top of the demands of running a successful business, I didn’t realize at the time that I was suffering from exhaustion and burnout. 

The reality was I didn’t have the skills and tools I needed to avoid the strain my stressful life had on me, both physically and emotionally, and I lost who I was in the process.

Hi, my name is Heather J. Crider.

I am a High-Performance Specialist, a certified Search Inside Yourself Facilitator and NeuroCoach, as well as the host of The Go Reflect Yourself Podcast. 

As a former corporate management employee and as a business owner for the past 17 years, I’m no stranger to working long hard hours with critical deadlines and demanding schedules. I’ve had to master the art of juggling life as a mom and an entrepreneur. 

Thirteen years ago after my second child was born, I went through several significant emotional events in my life, one being a divorce, which all left me feeling anxious and depressed. On top of the demands of running a successful business, I didn’t realize at the time that I was suffering from exhaustion and burnout. 

The reality was I didn’t have the skills and tools I needed to avoid the strain my stressful life had on me, both physically and emotionally, and I lost who I was in the process.

Meet Your Host

In order for me to continue to build a successful business, be a mom, an advisor, a leader, a friend, ... and just to keep my own sanity, I had to uncover how to optimize every aspect of my life. I had to improve my mental and physical wellbeing by developing the skills and tools to reduce stress and anxiety caused by the demands of our modern fast paced and ambitious society (aka, our high-performing lives!). 

Over the past 13 years, I've dedicated my life to learning as much about the brain as I can through the latest neuroscience research, emotional intelligence, awareness, high performance and stress reduction discoveries.

Combining my expertise in neuroscience and my extensive experience of the demands of my professional life, I’ve developed a unique brain-based methodology to help professionals R.E.F.L.E.C.T to achieve high performance success by reducing stress, avoiding burnout and having a life they love. 

I’ve helped hundreds of business owners and professionals go from overworked and overwhelmed to having a life of harmony and peace by teaching them this methodology. 

Included in the R.E.F.L.E.C.T method are simple micro practices to reduce stress and avoid burnout so you can create massive performance and in turn “have it all” in life. 

My goal in 2021 is to help 2,000 professionals use this method so they can create high performance success habits that will increase the quality of their life, help them become who they are meant to be and achieve a life of true harmony, joy and freedom. 

Before we get any further...

Identify and alleviate the main factors causing you to feel overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed and burned out…

How to incorporate practical everyday micro-practices to create high-performance success habits which will allow you to get more done in less time, double your energy, triple your output and most importantly provide you with extra time and excitement to do the things you actually want to do so you can enjoy the key areas of your life with peace and ease. 

In this potentially life changing masterclass I’m going to teach you how to use neuroscience backed micro-practices that will …

Learn THE 60 second solution to instantly reduce stress and increase clarity...

Can 1 simple 60 second solution change your life?

YES, yes it can!

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MASTERCLASS STARTS November 16th @ 6:30 pm CST

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